UVA10815 Andy's First Dictionary
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s, word;
set<string> ans;
while (cin >> s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
s[i] = isalpha(s[i]) ? tolower(s[i]) : ' ';
stringstream ss(s);
while (ss >> word) ans.insert(word);
for (auto i : ans) cout << i << endl;
return 0;
import sys, re
ans = set()
for line in sys.stdin:
ret = re.findall(u'[a-zA-Z]+', line)
for i in ret: ans.add(i.lower())
for i in sorted(ans): print i
CF911B Two Cakes
n, a, b = map(int, raw_input().split())
for i in xrange(1, min(a, b) + 1):
if a / i + b / i >= n:
ans = i
print ans
n, a, b = map(int, raw_input().split())
print max([min(a / i, b / (n - i)) for i in range(1, n)])
def ok(n, a, b, x):
if x > a or x > b:
return False
return a / x + b / x >= n
n, a, b = map(int, raw_input().split())
lo, hi = 1, a
while lo < hi:
mid = lo + (hi - lo + 1) / 2
if ok(n, a, b, mid):
lo = mid
hi = mid - 1
print lo
CF798A Mike and palindrome
s = raw_input()
d = 0
for i in xrange(len(s) / 2):
d += s[i] != s[-i-1]
print 'YES' if d == 1 or d == 0 and len(s) % 2 else 'NO'
s = raw_input()
d = 0
for i, j in zip(s, s[::-1]):
d += i != j
print 'YES' if d == 2 or d == 0 and len(s) % 2 else 'NO'
这种方式相当于做了两遍计算。如果数据量较大,在python2中建议用izip代替zip,需要from itertools import izip。
CF43A Football
n = input()
print sorted([raw_input() for i in xrange(n)])[n/2]
CF672B Different is Good
n, s = input(), raw_input()
print n - len(set(s)) if n <= 26 else -1
CF219A k-String
k, s = input(), sorted(raw_input())
a = s[::k] * k
print ''.join(a) if sorted(a) == s else -1
CF831B Keyboard Layouts
I = raw_input
a, b, s = I(), I(), I()
c = {}
for i, j in zip(a, b):
c[i] = j
c[i.upper()] = j.upper()
print ''.join([c.get(i, i) for i in s])
from string import maketrans
I = raw_input
a, b, s = I(), I(), I()
print s.translate(maketrans(a + a.upper(), b + b.upper()))
CF4C Regstration system
n = input()
d = {}
for i in xrange(n):
w = raw_input()
d[w] = d.get(w, 0) + 1
print 'OK' if d[w] == 1 else w + str(d[w] - 1)
CF711A Bus to Udayland
import sys, re
s =
if'OO', s):
print 'YES'
print re.sub('OO', '++', s, 1)
print 'NO'
CF489C Given Length and Sum of Digits
def fmin(n, s):
ans = 0
for i in xrange(0, n):
x = 0 if i or s == 0 else 1
y = max(s - 9 * (n - i - 1), x)
ans = ans * 10 + y
s -= y
return ans
def fmax(n, s):
ans = 0
for i in xrange(n):
t = min(s, 9)
ans = ans * 10 + t
s -= t
return ans
def possible(n, s):
if s == 0: return n == 1
return n * 9 >= s
m, s = map(int, raw_input().split())
if not possible(m, s):
print -1, -1
print fmin(m, s), fmax(m, s)