

#define POS(x)     ((x) >> 5)
#define MASK(x)    (1 << ((x) & 31))

#define MAXN   100000
int bitset[1 + POS(MAXN)] = {0};

void set(int i) {
    bitset[POS(i)] |= MASK(i);
void clr(int i) {
    bitset[POS(i)] &= ~MASK(i);
void flip(int i) {
    bitset[POS(i)] ^= MASK(i);
int test(int i) {
    return bitset[POS(i)] & MASK(i);


bitset<N> bs;    // declare a bitset with size N
bs.size();       // returns the number of bits in bs
bs.count();      // returns the number of bits that are set (to true)
bs.any();        // test if any bit is set
bs.none();       // test if no bit is set
bs.all();        // test if all bits are set
bs[i];           // set i-th bit to false
bs.set();        // set all bits to true
bs.reset();      // set all bits to false
bs.flip();       // flip all bits
bs.flip(i);      // flip i-th bit
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